How long will a Flag last?
With appropriate care and upkeep, you can expect the life of your flags to be at least 2 years or more. This additionally expects your banners are not shown in any serious climate conditions which can forever harm your banners.Few readersHow do I know what size flag to buy?
We have different flag sizes available in our online store, from smallest as 14 inches to gigantic as 23 feets. We have many different shape and size of flags that you may love to explore. If you need assistance in final selection of the right flag for your brand, contact our customer service department.Few readersDo you make custom design and shape flags?
Absolutely! You can reach us or check out our website to find unique & variety of shape & size of flags. If you require help with a Custom design or might want us to plan something for you please take advantage of our Design services.Few readersWhat is the difference of Single-Reverse vs Double-Sided Flags?
All our banners can be printed single sided or double sided. For single sided banners, they are printed through that means your design will be imprinted on one side of the texture. In any case, print through implies that your artwork from one side and will be noticeable from the back/unprinted side yet will be viewed as reflected. For double sided banners, we can print either a similar plan on both the sides or an alternate one on each side (depending on your requirement), neither of which wilFew readersWhat are the types of different advertising flags?
We have many different variety of flags such as Backpacks, Bullet Flag, Custom Flags, Elbow Banner, Flex Banner, Flex Blade, Giant Flag,, Contour Flag, Evo Banner and many more... We also have many pre-designed flags such as sale flags, now open, car dealers, and many more...Few readers